Health & Physical Education
At Wundowie Primary School we offer a varied selection of sport each term, ranging from basketball to squash and AFL. We strive to provide an enjoyable and rewarding program whilst complementing the aims of the School and Curriculum Framework. Our dedicated Health and Physical Education teachers will support your child’s learning and encourage them through their learning journey.
The Health & Physical Education Learning Area aims to provide students with opportunities to develop physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively. The curriculum offers a comprehensive range of learning experiences to meet the needs of individual students and encourage active involvement by all. The School is equipped with excellent resources to support student learning with a large oval, outdoor court and a nature play area. Our intention is to support the development of physical competence and to promote the skills necessary to effectively plan and reflect for a healthy lifestyle, movement and movement related activities, safely and with confidence. We also incorporate the teachings of fair play and sportsmanship as essential elements of the students learning experience.